
Taizhou Pinhuan Plastic Industry Co., Ltd





Home storage principle


Use decision place

Place items near the place of use and keep frequently used items close at hand. Try to have a storage box for each item, which saves space and looks neat. On the other hand, to do something, you usually take out several related items. Therefore, it is necessary to use these supporting things for "associated storage". When in use, you only need to take out the box containing it and you can use it.

Size determines the place

Put it in the cabinet? Or put it in the drawer? It's so simple, "Of course, the big items are put in the cabinet, and the small items are put in the drawer." But there are still many people who can't do this. It is often seen that some people put their documents in a certain bag while the bag is in the cabinet. It's better to sort it out and put it in the storage box in an orderly way, which will save you a lot of trouble.

The alternate "hide"

There are many things in the home that are necessary and not used for a long time. For example, extra quilts, out-of-season clothes and spare daily necessities. The correct way to store these items is to "hide" them, that is, put them in a place where they are not easy to reach. Surplus quilts can be packed in quilt bags, and out-of-season clothes can be packed in storage boxes/boxes under the bed or wardrobe top cloth. Do use and spare separate placement.

Timely "home"

"It's not difficult to borrow again". The same is true for home storage. Developing good living habits and putting the used items back in place in time is a crucial link in home storage. Of course, if sending these items back to "home" is just a matter of lifting a finger, this habit is easy to form. Whether the goods can return to "home" in time is also an indicator to verify whether the storage we have done before is reasonable.

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